Headquarters Version PPP 2015
ALC Carrier Resources
FMSCA/DOT – CSA2010 . Given the carrier/driver safety rating changes required by MSCA/DOT, the Allen Lund Company will conduct monthly investigations within the FMSCA site to confirm carrier/driver ratings, and take necessary steps to remove carriers not rated at a level in keeping with ALC standards. Additionally, our Carrier Resources compliance processes include the following: Current ALC Carriers Current & sufficient Cargo and Auto Liability Active Motor Carrier Authority Carriers whose scores are in the “At Risk” SMS status are placed on suspension, until the score is brought down New Carriers Current & sufficient Cargo and Auto Liability
Signed ALC carrier agreement Active Motor Carrier Authority Carriers must have SMS scores well below the “At Risk” category Carriers are also reviewed via Carrier 411 and TIA websites, for complaints We track carriers, for reporting purposes specific to the following: SmartWay Partners Minority Status TWIC compliance (Transportation Worker Identification Credentials)
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