HealthNow Administrative Services Resources Did you know that HealthNow Administrative Services (HNAS) offers you and your eligible family members a wide variety of resources that can help you understand, maintain, and if necessary, improve your level of health. Check these out! Tip: The key to using HNAS to its fullest is to set-up your online user I.D. and password. On-line health assessments – A health assessment can help you understand your level of health and fitness and how you can improve them, if necessary. Health assessments also identify potential health risks and help your doctor focus on your specific needs to provide targeted care. The next time you get your annual check-up, ask for a copy of your blood work results and blood pressure reading. You will need these when completing your own personal health assessment. Online: Health Coaching – Get the guidance and support you need to achieve your personal health goals. HNAS’ team of health coaches consists of registered nurses, nutritionists, social workers, respiratory therapists, health educators, and exercise physiologists. These trained professionals can: • Actively support, encourage, and educate • Help develop goals and plans of action • Identify barriers to better health • Show you how to manage and control chronic conditions • Promote a safe and healthy lifestyle Call: 1-855-581-1812 and ask for Nurse Jennifer to learn more about health coaching. Clinical Coaching – If you suffer from a chronic illness, you can access one-on- one health coaching through HNAS. HNAS will work with your doctor and help you manage complications with any of the following conditions: • Heart Disease • Diabetes • Asthma • Depression • Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COBD) For more information, or to enroll, call 1-877-229-1002 and ask for Nurse Jennifer.
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