#2. On May 31 st , it was Harry Balam’s last day in the office before embarking on a new adventure for LA Sales and ALC: on-site managed services for citrus and grape grower/shipper for one of our largest customers, Sun Pacific Marketing! While he’ll only be six miles away in Pasadena, we’ll miss him like he’ll be a world away! Using his last opportunity to prank someone in the office before his departure, I was the guinea pig he targeted. In classic Harry fashion, he tricked me with the old “hey, this cake smells funny” prank, and I fell for it hook, line, and sinker. Frosting up your nose is funny, but not fun! We want to thank Matt Christ for his three months on-site at Sun Pacific and all he did to get this project launched while also trying to keep up with his other BDS responsibilities and booking of business ~ we welcomed him back into the office on June 1 st as we bid farewell to Harry, who will take the reins for at least one year. Thank you both for your dedication and hard work! Tracey Lewin
Harry Tracey
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