Written by: Luke Jackson, Business Development Specialist
Hello Allen Lund Company staff from the Phoenix office!
Summertime is coming and things are absolutely heating up for the produce industry. Our office is firing on all cylinders and our team is ready to take on any challenge. We would like for you to meet our team and look forward to connecting with yours. Our manager, Matt is leading the team full charge with our operations manager, Jason pressing on full of enthusiasm and motivation.
Matt is very much a leader and a coach, both in and out of the office. He is always ready to work hard and guide his team to success. Matt is very involved with his family and sports, very competitive and never settles for second best. Jason works every day to sharpen his skills and knowledge to strengthen us as a team. He is very focused on our success and never lets off the gas. Jason likes to customize cars and is always the life of the party. Gilbert has many years of experience as a broker and is always willing to educate us all to include the team of brokers at his side specializing in produce. Gilbert is an automotive enthusiast and loves new projects. Linda, our newest addition to the team enjoys cooking and making people laugh. She has already taken on a lot of new responsibilities in stride and is up for any challenge. Carter loves music, fishing, and snowboarding. He is never too busy to help his team and always jumps at the opportunity to work on many things at one time.
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