FreightVine August 2015
Our most recent employee is Sally Yendrek. Sally is originally from Southern California and like myself finds herself transplanted here in the heart of the Midwest. Sally is married and has a few adult children out of the house and one child still living at home. Sally is extremely involved with and serious about her faith. In the office Sally handles our admin tasks, collections, carrier setups, and basically anything I throw at her. Some of her family resides in Mexico and Sally is bi-lingual, speaking both English and Spanish. She is our in-house translator with some carriers and if we have to make calls down to the border area. Lastly, there is me. I moved here from Chicagoland eight years ago and before that I lived in NY, having grown up on Long Island and then moving to Queens, NY after I got married to my wife of nearly 27 years. We have five children between the ages of 24 and 11. When I am not at work or doing things around the house I like to spend some time fishing in our local lake. I also enjoy cooking with my daughters most weekends.
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